Meet Monique

Sacred Pet Death Doula – MultisensoryAnimal Intuitive – Soul Coach – Meditation Instructor – Add Heart Facilitator

To learn more about how I ended up working with death and dying and the transformation it brought me, let me share with you a session of my Walk Your Pet Home Masterclass. This is how I went from grief to peace!

I hold a wholehearted and deep connection with all animals and have a passion for the unseen and a love of life. 

Being a catalyst for high frequencies, and using my multi-sensory abilities to connect with animals, I assist pet parents in personal transformations. With the animals as my guide, I help lift the veil of unknowing, enabling my clients to see beyond the conscious mind and open up to deeper realizations, which in turn allows for deeper connections with their animal companions. 

My passion is inspiring and supporting others, helping them find their true light and guiding them towards an expanded awareness which I believe helps us all become co-creators of a more compassionate world.

In my work as a Death Doula, I have a big place in my heart for supporting pet parents who are experiencing the end of life of their beloved animal companion. I help them approach this phase in an enlightened state, one that holds the frequencies of love that are the base of the human/pet relationship, bringing light to the preciousness of the transition, which creates a true sense of peace in both animal and human. Bringing ease in such difficult moments to both pet parents and their beloved animal companions fills my heart with gratitude!

I am on a mission to bridge the gap between medical support and end-of-life care, so a big part of my heart is dedicated to training pet professionals to become sacred pet death doulas. Every pet parent and every pet deserves such a chance!

I love connecting with people, so if you have any questions or ideas for collaboration, feel free to reach out!

We are family