This membership is open to all participants of the Walk Your Pet Home masterclass. This doesn’t have to be a lonely and sad journey. Joining the Conscious Pet Parent membership will give you a safe and uplifting place to get support, and be guided in your next steps. 

Here are some of the things we will do together:

  • Q&A: ask any questions that may arise from taking the Walk Your Pet Home Masterclass
  • Ask any personal questions on the end-of-life journey of your pet
  • HOT SEAT: this is where you will get personal support on a particular issue that you feel you need support with. Your unique case will also be invaluable for all other members.
This membership is ideal for you if:
  • You want to ask questions regarding the masterclass.
  • If you are on the end-of-life journey with your animal friend and would like personal support. Losing the motivation to make the necessary changes that can lead to a peaceful transition for your beloved, is very easy when we feel sad and even alone.  
  • If you want to ask personal questions without having to book private sessions with me.
  • If you want to feel what it’s like to walk these challenging moments with others that are going through the same. This alone is precious! 

You can stay in the membership for as little or as long as you feel the need. And when you feel you no longer need support, you can easily leave. By signing up for Walk Your Pet Home, you will receive access to the membership for one month for free and then decide whether to continue with us or not.


Ask anything you want on your pet's end of life journey!

Our gatherings will be on the last Wednesday of each month at 18.00 CET/CEST – 9.00 AM PST/PT – 10.00 AM MST/MT – 12 noon EST/ET – 9.00 PM UAE 

Starting on November 29th, 2023

Don’t miss out! The Conscious Pet Parent Tribe is here to help! 

We are here to support you, to cheer you and dry your tears when you feel you don’t have the strength to continue. We are also here to make you accountable. To remind you why you started this journey. We are here to train together. We are here to be your pillar of light, until you can be a pillar of light for others. We are here to laugh and cry together. We are here to share stories of our beloved animal companions that have changed our lives. We are here to grow together. We are family.

  • Regular monthly subscription $22 each month (after your FREE month)
  • or annual payment in full (after your FREE month) 11 months + 1 FREE month US$ 242

I’m honored and delighted to have you with me on this sacred journey of becoming each day a bit more conscious and a bit more loving to our adorable animal companions.

    Join now and you will not be charged until next month. If you don’t want to continue, you can easily cancel before you get charged by emailing [email protected] and asking to please cancel your subscription. (I am sorry I haven’t found an easier way to do it, but I hope an email will be all right for you until I find a more automated way of doing it).